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Picture of Jason Haskins posing


Jason Haskins is a 2001 graduate of Boise State University in which he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Dramatic Writing. While in school, Jason's ten-minute plays The Last Hit and Pandora's Box were produced for the Boise State Theater Majors annual showcase productions. Shortly after graduating, Jason's first full length play, Poison, was produced and premiered at Boise State.


Jason took a small break from the theater world and embarked on a journey to Los Angeles. While there, Jason's horror movie screenplay Warehouse was optioned by Scary Monkey Pictures and his screenplay Paranoid Gods was read by various companies and directors across the city. Alas, after four years of enjoying the California weather, Jason returned to Boise, where he currently resides.


In the fall of 2011, along with co-writer Evan Sesek, Jason wrote Voices from the Boise Hole for Alley Repertory Theater. The play explored the various types of people one may run across in Boise, Idaho. Jason and Evan further explored the characters of Boise in 2013's Voices from the Hole 2.


In the fall of 2012, Jason collaborated with Evan and Aaron M. Kiefer to write Levi Middlebrooks: Back 2 Boyzee. This one-man play documented the return of a former boy band member of the fictional group "Kinect4" and his return to music after a five-year hiatus. The one caveat: Levi's new focus is Christian Rock.


Jason's full length plays SolacePoison, and Half Past Midnight have all received staged readings at Alley Repertory Theater while his full length play The Latitude of Life has received staged readings at Alley Repertory Theater and Homegrown Theatre in Boise, Idaho.


Jason's fantasy novels The Dragon Princess, The Blue Gem, and The Dragon Slayer and a novella titled Of Snow Forts and Santa, are available via Kindle Direct Publishing in paperback and e-book. Jason's one-act play entitled One Night Stand is currently published at Heartland Plays.




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