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Artistic Statement & Writing Focus

I am a playwright & screenwriter who writes plays that strike a balance between the function and dysfunction of life. One who examines the nuances of characters in family and friendship, and the burrowing into the idea of trust and deceit that challenge humans to grow. I aim to capture a subsection of time in these characters’ lives, exploring deeper empathy in a world losing more of it every day, and how to go about using it to solve situations. A throwback to the kitchen sink dramas of old. Modern day western United States, the fragility of life and embracing the days as they come.


I am also an author who writes fantasy novels, youth adult fiction, and fiction.

Four books by Jason Haskins Haskins, laid out on a desk.


My writing focus spans genres and mediums. Primarily a playwright and screenwriter, I am also an author and writer of pop culture and sports. On stage and screen, a focus is centered in realism, while as novelist, focus is primarily in the fantasy realm. Dabbled in poetry over the years but that is more of a back burner type of focus.

Four books by Jason Haskins Haskins, laid out on a desk.


To capture a slice of life and examine the truth and consequences of these moments. To entertain, and to bring thoughtfulness and empathy. To set forth stories of a fantasy world that carry real consequences, friendship, love, and knowledge. 


And, in certain writings, stories that hinge on nostalgia, reminding us the simpler times weren't always quite so simple.

Four books by Jason Haskins Haskins, laid out on a desk.


The beginning of a new play or screenplay often starts with selecting a proverb to live alongside the idea. This isn't always the case but occurs more often than not. Ideas, outlines, character descriptions, and more are then transferred to a poster board; a tool used to guides the first draft of the project. First drafts, no matter the project I am working on, are handwritten. No less than five drafts are usually written, not including minor editing and tweaking. (And usually much more with plays/screenplays)


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