Shall we jump right in, feet first, into the monthly updates?
Okay, fine, feel free to wade in if you'd like. The water is fine; calm, with tiny ripples spreading from an unknown origin. Relax.
Right off the bat, I'm glad to announce The Dragon Princess, my first fantasy novel, is now available in paperback. With it being the older of the two books, now published for almost four years, I decided to transfer this book first. You can purchase the book over at Amazon for the price of $7.49.
Both The Dragon Princess and the recently released sequel The Blue Gem are still available for download as well. All that information is available on this site or over on my Amazon author page.
I have even begun, in earnest, writing the third book. I've only scribbled out a handful of pages in so stay tuned.
In other novel writing news, I recently entered the first ten pages of a novel into a writing contest. Last year, I joined the Idaho Writers Guild. While I have attended a couple of workshops, scheduling conflicts have kept me from participating as much as I'd like to. However, I did enter the Idaho Writers Guild: 2018 Writing Contest, in which the first ten pages of my novel Through the End of Time earned me an honorable mention. This novel, of which I first started the early pages on while not paying attention to a lecture in some class in college, is about 2/3 complete and I hope to have a first draft over the summer.
Through the End of Time is the story of one man's journey from Los Angeles to the Gates of St. Peter, challenging his beliefs and making him doubt everything he once thought to be true.
Moving forward in May
The month of April was a mix of focusing on finishing a new play, a short Christmas novel, the above mentioned novel, and a new screenplay.
This was in addition to the edits of my television pilot The Path(s) of Andy Wilson and the very first screenplay I wrote, The True Life.
I started The True Life about 20 years and at this point we're looking at roughly draft 20. I recently entered into the Seattle Film Festival and received solid feedback, both good and bad, that brought up a few points that hadn't been mentioned before.
So though I wasn't a finalist, I can take the constructive feedback and hopefully mold it into what I already have.
I wonder sometimes if I have too many writing projects going on at once, but I kind of go where the month, week, or day takes me. As long as I can keep them straight and not dropping a fantasy novel chapter into my screenplay, I'll be fine. (Or maybe it will add an interesting element. Hmm...)
Upcoming Events
The stage for Alley Repertory Theater is currently quiet, but you as an audience member/supporter have a chance to contribute. Idaho Gives Day is coming up on May 3. This day is a chance for Idaho non-profit organizations to show who they are, with hopefully raising money to help sustain their business model. Theaters, music organizations, bicycle projects, and most non-profits in Idaho take part in this giving day. (So think about supporting your favorite cause, even if it's a dollar.)
Be sure to check out HomeGrown Theatre's Mr. Burns: A post-electric play by Anne Washburn, opening on May 18.
And beginning May 22, you can see what the creators/performers of Migration Theory have been up to with their project small matters.
The Idaho Writers Conference is also this weekend, May 4 and May 5.
Those are only a couple of all the exciting things starting to pop up here as the weather warms up. Thanks for stopping by.
Be bold. Be kind.
To follow more inane thoughts regarding pop culture, sports, writing and more, be sure to follow on Twitter.