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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

August: To re-emerge from the hot, dusty bin of writing

Rows of tall pine trees, set against a blue sky with wisps of white clouds

Hot, hot, hot.

I have succeeded. I crawled out of the dank corridor, emerging in searing heat and stagnated wildfire smoke hanging over the city. Look around with wide eyes, staring. Shaken but far from stirred.

It has been over three months since I stepped foot onto this hallowed section of updates, where I last appeared with updates on a new full-length play.

Since, I have finished three drafts and am onto a fourth for The General Laws of (Mostly) Everything Human. To garner a guess, this probably the quickest I have completed a play of this length, with multiple drafts to boot.

Five people.  Five lifetimes.


Stranded in a rural diner thanks to a rare winter superstorm, the lives of five people with diverse backgrounds and beliefs intersect with divine revelations. Generational divides and viewpoints collide in an arena where culture, politics, and religion meet, strung together by a diner owner simply trying to survive.


Backed by a Greek chorus of their own devising and forced to confront tortured pasts, uncertain futures, and difficult truths, these five set forth on a circular path to embrace – or destroy – the age-old question of “Why can’t we all just get along?”

More to come on this play in the near future, with the goal of staged reading to be performed in September.


Along with the play, I have also managed work on a completed 10-minute Christmas play, two novels, and a new middle grade/young adult book.

Work has slowed on the first novel, Through the End of Time. Pages have been written, just not as many as earlier in the year.

The second novel is progressing nicely and the middle grade book, with any luck, will have a first draft finished by autumn. This book is a follow up of sorts to Of Snow Forts and Santa, centered around the same family of characters.

Speaking of the Christmas book, it is featured on a new(ish) website called Shepherd. Rather than only listing the book, the requirement is to create a list of five books similar in theme to the one I wrote. Thankful to be listed there and to promote Of Snow Forts and Santa.

I also continue to post over on The Journey of Now blog. Recent additions include posts on the Summer Olympics, the summer box office of 2004, and a trip down memory lane.

And finally, to honor its 10th anniversary in July, I completed a revised edition of my first fantasy novel The Dragon Princess.


One final update before I slink back to the writing lab. Many may have noticed the calendar section of this website and how over the years I shared events around the Treasure Valley. Well, I have gone one step further and created a separate website: Arts Boise.

With this website, I aim to share theater, music, comedy, burlesque, and performing arts events around the Treasure Valley. A central hub, of sorts, where people can find stuff to do. Take a look when you have a chance and be sure to follow Arts Boise on Facebook and Instagram.

Thanks for stopping by this month. Be bold. Be kind.


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