Shortly after the release of The Blue Gem (Book 1 in the Magic of Crieo series) back in March of 2018, I began work on its follow-up, The Dragon Slayer. The characters were already in place and plenty of ideas had already been scribbled out. I imagined I'd knock out the first draft in a year and have it edited in no time at all.
This would work because I had a plan. Then life got in the way, which allowed the ideas to gestate and swirl into something much more than I previously imagined.
Now, here we are three years later. And while this post isn't to announce an upcoming release, there has been significant progress in the last three months. No promises, but it is my utmost hope that the book will be finished towards the end of 2021.

Daily writing has helped. As, too, was a concerted effort to not force out words when there aren't words to be had. I may force myself to sit down in front of the notepad, pen twirling between fingers. But if the inspiration to step into the fantasy world of The Dragon Slayer is non-existent, I simply step back and work on something else. Which aligns with my goal to write at least a few words every day.
Inevitably, if I'm working on another project, inspiration will strike regarding the characters who have been with me for 30 years now. This leaves me scrambling for the nearest piece of scrap paper or notebook to jot down the thoughts before they escape me, choosing to let the ideas in, if only temporarily. (Really leaning into the whole Elizabeth Gilbert belief that "when a magical idea comes knocking, you have three options".)
This can sometimes mean working on building out this fantasy world, something I've been doing since The Dragon Princess. Except now, I've brought a bigger shovel to dig deep, with information and history being explored that ultimately may not make it into the story but definitely influences events and motivation.
Cranking out pages will continue and with any luck, a finished product could be in your hands by the end of 2021.
In the interim, catch up with the characters by reading The Dragon Princess and The Blue Gem. Or step into holiday spirt, and back to the early 1990s, with Of Snow Forts and Santa.
Other writing updates
The majority of writing time is directed towards The Dragon Slayer but I have made room for other projects and topics, too.
Sports articles and posts have been a main focus. College basketball took up a whole block of my time the last few months, of which I wrote some about over on The Journey of Now blog. Major League Baseball is now finishing up their second week of the 2021 season and the NBA is headed into the last quarter of their season. Been writing about the plights of the Boston Red Sox and Boston Celtics over at Chowder & Champions.
There has also been the usual work of tidying up plays and screenplays and I've also been exploring the art of short stories as of late.
...And the rest...
Events are starting to pop up here and there around the Treasure Valley. It is my hope that once we get into summer, this section will be again focused on events to check out.
For now, we'll go newsletter style and do a quick look at things that have held my attention and I've enjoyed as of late.
I'm currently reading A Promised Land by Barack Obama and, just to keep things light (wink, wink), Bleak House by Charles Dickens. I also have a stack of books to read on deck, with two more in the hole (the mail). I might have a book-buying problem.
Radio Boise is in currently in full-on radiothon mode and, while I enjoy much of their quality programming, The Lovely Afro is a show I've quite enjoyed as of late.
Lately, I've fallen into "comfort watching" of television shows, meaning I've been watching stuff I've already seen (hello Friday Night Lights). However, I have started Made for Love on HBO and may or may not viewed the Punky Brewster reboot.
Lastly, give Boise OG a look for all Boise-centric swag (hats and stickers at the moment).
Thanks for stopping by. Be bold. Be kind.