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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

A September return, amid steady writing and record heat

Updated: Jul 11, 2024

Black and white image. On the left, three trees towering in the sky. Below these trees in a parking lot, three vehicles. A partly cloudy sky. On the right, an American flag on a flag pole, next to a telephone pole. Below that, two white vehicles, parked.

Chances are, wherever you reside, the last two months have been capital H-O-T hot.

At one point, here in the Treasure Valley, Boise set a record for number of 100-degree days in a calendar year. And that was almost two weeks ago, not counting this current stretch of triple-digit days and sometimes 80+ degree nights.

That's a lot of sweat, for sure. And looking towards autumn with eager eyes more and more each day. Cooler temperatures and sweater weather are good reasons for an arrival of autumn.

Another reason is because, heading into September, The Dragon Slayer is on track for a late-autumn release.

Focus on getting this fantasy novel completed has pushed some things to the background, including updates on my site. Monthly updates have gone silent since May and many other projects have not been singing a siren song of creativity.

The persistence of concentrating on The Dragon Slayer, however, has paid off. Soon, if the universe continues to be agreeable with me, the final pages will be written and a draft will be placed into the hands of readers. And then, a polish and a spritz of an edit and the journey of this novel will be complete.

Keep an eye to this site and my social media channels for more as the end draws near for this two-book Magic of Crieo series. I hope to also have pre-orders available, once I feel comfortable with a release date. More soon.


Full transparency: ALL other projects were not tossed into the back of the closet during the last four-months. A few pages were written on a new play. Previous plays were submitted to various theater companies across this vast land.

A couple of blog posts were eked out over on The Journey of Now. And plenty was written about the Boston Red Sox (as they struggled) and the Boston Celtics (as they fell just short of their 18th-title in the NBA). Much of my focus on sports writing is currently focused on the Boston College Eagles.

And time has been spent gearing up for another season at Alley Repertory Theater. Season-announcement coming soon, with three plays I am excited to be working on, in one capacity or another.

Also, had a visitor block out the sun for mere seconds as they swung by the apartment complex the other day.

A red hot air balloon, with lettering CBH Homes, floating next to a tree, above an apartment building


This space was reserved, most of the time, for a couple of select events happening around the Treasure Valley.

That has since moved to a separate page, where I list events two-months at a time. These are mostly performing arts events, venues, productions, and more. An ever-growing list of companies, theaters, etc. is also located in this CALENDAR section.

Thanks for stopping by for this quick visit. Be bold. Be kind.

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